The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards (SC-CCRS) for English Language Arts (ELA) 2015 are the result of a process designed to identify, evaluate, synthesize, and create the most high-quality, rigorous standards for South Carolina’s students. The standards are designed to ensure that South Carolina students are prepared to enter and succeed in economically viable career opportunities or postsecondary education and ensuing careers.

Literacy for Learning, LLC consultants will align professional learning opportunities to standards and aligned assessments to support teachers and administrators in lifting the level of teaching and learning.

Translating the South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts 2015 into Practice

The South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Assessment (SC READY) measures student performance on the South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards. SCREADY contains a “text dependent analysis” (or TDA) item that requires students to read a text or passage and draw upon that text for written responses, providing supporting evidence from the passage. This shift requires students to comprehend text at an analytical level and communicate their thinking in a well-developed essay.

Text Dependent Analysis Implications for the K-2 Classroom: Thinking Deeply About Text

Text Dependent Analysis Implications for the 3-8 Classroom: Thinking Deeply About Text

What is the role of TDA in the End of Course Assessments? The English 1 End of Course Examination (EOCEP) requires a new writing component in addition to multiple-choice writing items. This assessment also contains a “text dependent analysis” (or TDA) item that requires students to read a text or passage and draw upon that text for a written essay.


End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP)