Resources (CCSS)

What Educators Need to Know

The CCSS represent a set of learning expectations designed to prepare K-12 students for college and career success. The CCSS are clear that the responsibility for interpreting and implementing these expectations rests on teachers and administrators. Educators must navigate the gap between their current literacy practices and the ideals of the Common Core. Instructional shifts must occur in classroom instruction as teachers implement CCSS and progress to full implementation.

Common Core State Standards Official Website


Teachers and administrators can often become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Collaborating with other educators is an effective way to uncover useful CCSS information, tools, and resources. Literacy for Learning, LLC will assist educators in making smart choices about the Common Core. Many states, professional associations, and commercial publishers offer valuable resources. However, educators must have an in-depth knowledge of the CCSS literacy skills and behaviors required by the standards in order to be savvy consumers of instructional materials.

Achieve the Core

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)